The 10 Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back as a Founder

The 10 Limiting Beliefs That Are Holding You Back as a Founder By Cody Share on facebook Facebook Share on reddit Reddit Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn 1. Imposter Syndrome A lot of times when you listen to successful founders talk about their life it is dizzying what they’ve achieved before even […]
Preventing Digital Eye Strain

Preventing Digital Eye Strain By Cody Share on facebook Facebook Share on reddit Reddit Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn What is Digital Eye Strain? Digital eye strain, sometimes also referred to as computer vision syndrome, describes headaches, dry eyes, and eye strain due to usage of computers, tablets, and smartphones (anything with […]
Which Countries To Select For Google Ads

Which Countries To Select For Google Ads By Keaton Aliabadi Share on facebook Facebook Share on reddit Reddit Share on twitter Twitter Share on linkedin LinkedIn Introduction: Google ads by default selects just the United States as a location in which to display your ads. But is this the best choice? Are there any other […]